Food lovers unite.

Welcome to My Story. A story about Eating, Cooking and Growing. I say ‘growing’ as my aim far outreaches growing and foraging your own produce. My aim is to awaken you to the metamorphosis of ingredients into the real live magic of flavourful dishes.







Hello I’m Suze

The Last Few Years have been incredible: stressful, turbulent, but above all the most positive experience of my life. I’ve dabbled with death, been at my all-time emotional low, but I’ve risen, grown as a person and come out in the best place I have ever been.

I owe this journey to my relationship with food. My relationship with food was going to be the end of my life but my inherent love of cooking turned this around to become the beginning of my new life. It was both my failure and my saviour. Now I appreciate food on all levels, to nourish but also to satiate the soul through voyages in flavour. For me creating beautiful food is a solace from the stress of everyday life.

Before I enrolled at Leith’s, life had become a monotonous rollercoaster. A Near fatal accident in 2007 had left me needing many bouts of surgery and had quashed any hopes of starting a career. Yes, I had a Bsc in Biological Sciences, I worked, events management, retail, etc but nothing pushed my buttons. I reached a point where I needed to do something for myself, that fulfil who I am.

Ever since dot I’ve been fascinated by food. Name a holiday and even at age 5 I could tell you what we ate and what it was like. I didn’t realise but food had been my passion since my mind can remember, which is bizarre as no one in my family is remotely foodie.

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