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Truffled Potato Waldorf Salad


Summer, the season of salads, yet all too often I find myself flummoxed, so many flavours, textures and aromas to explore, how do you reign it in. I am known for a crowded table, always one to create seven dishes where one or two would suffice, you see, I love the joy that sharing plates bring, people diving in with spoons and forks, loading their plates with a cacophony of taste and colour.

But recently I have become canny, why not combine your favourite dishes into one that ticks all the boxes? Often torn between the crisp fresh crunch of Waldorf salad, and the unctuous comforting mouthfeel of a Potato Salad, I have combined them into one glorious centre pieceā€¦ add int truffle mayonnaise and its fir for royalty (family and friends also count.)

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